Color Psychology and Emotional Palette


Influence of Color Psychology on Mood In interior design, the choice of colors goes beyond mere aesthetics. Colors have the power to deeply influence our moods and emotions, creating atmospheres ranging from warm and welcoming Read More

The Benefits of Decluttering


The Essence of Decluttering This is the time when many people are getting ready to do their spring cleaning, and with the change of season, it’s the perfect time for some decluttering. In the hustle Read More

Goodism and Hypocrisy on Social Media


Digital Virtue and Hypocrisy Recently, we discussed about The Reverse Flynn Effect, which is certainly a complex phenomenon, of which social media are both a manifestation and accomplices, in the same way. Manifestation because they Read More

The Reverse Flynn Effect


The Flynn Effect The term “Flynn effect” is named after the psychology professor James R. Flynn, who was the first to document and describe this phenomenon in his research work. The Flynn effect refers to Read More

The Jamais Vu Quest


Jamais Vu The Déjà Vu is a well-known phenomenon, and also very common: experiencing a situation that seems strangely familiar, as if we have already lived it in the past, you may want to know Read More

The Doorway Effect


When Doors Impact Memory Our mind can be tricky, and it can leading us to undergo various experiences like The Mandela Effect, or Déjà vu. Still one of the most common psychological phenomenon is the Read More

Astrology and Zodiac


The Fascinating Millenary Astrology Story Astrology, a captivating discipline that traces its roots back to the dawn of time, has always exerted an influence on humanity, captivating it with the promise of unveiling the secrets Read More

Effective Communication For a Constructive Dialogue


Understanding Constructive Dialogue The importance of Soft Skills is clearly and undoubtedly evident, and naturally, effective communication is perhaps one of the most important for dialogue, and a real effective communication is based on a Read More

Soft Skills Matter


Importance of Soft Skills Soft Skills, also known as transversal competencies or “soft skills,” are a set of abilities that are not limited to a specific field but are applicable in any work and life Read More

Flat Earth Theory


Flat Earth Theory Origins No, the Earth is not flat, not at all. We already mentioned the Flat Earth Theory as one of the most widespread Fake News. The notion of a flat Earth has Read More

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