Gen Z and Worklife Balance with Flexibility

gen z work

Gen Z Work Approach Insight

The Gen Z, the generation born between 1997 and 2012, has now entered the workforce and is beginning to make its mark in terms of attitude and expectations.

Compared to previous generations, Gen Z has a work approach characterized by some distinctive elements:

The Pursuit of Meaningful Work with a Positive Impact

Gen Z members are more inclined to choose work that aligns with their values and holds personal significance. They are also more sensitive to sustainability and corporate ethics.

Demand for Flexibility and Autonomy

Growing up in a world of constant change, Gen Z expects work to be equally flexible and dynamic. They are more likely to work remotely or in an agile manner.

Emphasis on Relationships and Corporate Culture

Gen Z seeks a work environment where they feel part of a community and can develop meaningful relationships with colleagues. They are also more attentive to corporate culture and organizational values.

These shifts in the approach to work are already impacting companies, prompting them to adapt to the new needs of young workers. For instance, many companies are implementing flexibility and agile work policies, placing greater emphasis on corporate culture and organizational values.

The Quest for Meaningful Work

Gen Z is a generation that has experienced firsthand the consequences of climate change, wars, and social injustices. This has made young individuals more aware of the impact their work can have on the world.

Gen Z members are more likely to choose work that aligns with their values and holds personal significance. They are interested in working for companies addressing issues they deem important, such as sustainability, ethics, diversity, and inclusion.

For instance, a LinkedIn survey found that 70% of Gen Z members are willing to forgo a portion of their salary to work for a company that shares their values.

The Demand for Flexibility and Autonomy

Growing up in a world where technology has made it possible to work from anywhere at any time, Gen Z is accustomed to flexibility and autonomy.

Gen Z members are more likely to work remotely or in an agile manner. They also prefer companies that offer flexible hours, allowing them to balance work and personal life.

For example, a PwC survey found that 75% of Gen Z members are willing to work remotely at least part of the time.

Valuing Relationships and Corporate Culture

Gen Z is a generation that grew up with the internet and social media, making them more accustomed to digital interactions.

Gen Z seeks a work environment where they feel part of a community and can develop meaningful relationships with colleagues. They are also more attentive to corporate culture and organizational values.

For example, a McKinsey survey found that 67% of Gen Z members are more likely to stay in a company with a strong corporate culture.

Advice for Companies

The changes in Gen Z’s approach to work pose a challenge for companies, but also an opportunity to create a more modern and inclusive work environment.

Here are some tips for companies looking to attract and retain Gen Z members:

  • Offer Growth and Professional Development Opportunities
    Gen Z members are ambitious and want the opportunity to grow and develop professionally.
  • Provide Feedback and Coaching
    Gen Z wants to know how they are performing and receive constructive feedback to improve.
  • Create an Inclusive and Respectful Work Environment
    Gen Z is sensitive to inclusion and respect issues, preferring to work in an environment where they feel welcomed and valued.

In essence

Gen Z is redefining the work landscape, and the future workforce will inevitably be shaped by their distinctive approach. Companies that proactively adjust to these evolving needs are poised not only to stand out but also to excel in attracting and retaining the top talents from this dynamic generation. Understanding and embracing the unique perspectives and preferences of Generation Z will be a strategic advantage for organizations looking to thrive in the competitive job market of the future.