Effective Communication For a Constructive Dialogue


Understanding Constructive Dialogue The importance of Soft Skills is clearly and undoubtedly evident, and naturally, effective communication is perhaps one of the most important for dialogue, and a real effective communication is based on a Read More

Netflix Strategy to Maximize Profits


Netflix’s Journey In the ever-evolving landscape of entertainment, few companies have made as significant an impact as Netflix. Originating in 1997 as a just another DVD rental service, Netflix swiftly adapted to the digital age, Read More

Soft Skills Matter


Importance of Soft Skills Soft Skills, also known as transversal competencies or “soft skills,” are a set of abilities that are not limited to a specific field but are applicable in any work and life Read More

Linguistic AI’s Preserve Languages


Language Preservation In a world dominated by English and a few other global languages, minority languages risk fading into silence. With their disappearance, entire cultural universes, unique identities, and millennia of history vanish. However, a Read More

Benefits of Remote Work


Remote Work An Unexpected Advantage The COVID-19 pandemic has sent shockwaves through various aspects of our lives, reshaping the way we work. With the spread of the virus, remote work became a necessity for many Read More

Global Urban Art


Voices on Walls Around the World When you talk about painted art you of course think about Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh or Michelangelo, or maybe think about Pop Art; there is anyway another form of Read More

Gemini Image Generator Paused


Google Halts Image Generator Few days ago we just discussed about Bard Image Generator, now Gemini Image Generator, and the feature cannot be used, at the moment. Google has announced the suspension of the Image Read More

Dynamics of Influencer Culture


Influencers Origins and Evolution We already wrote about Impact of Social Media in Love Relationships, but of course there are still several facets about them, as for example the role of Influencers. Influencers are prominent Read More

Maillardet Automaton ChatGPT Ancestor


Bridging the Past and Future of Creativity During the active streets of 19th-century England, particularly in the foggy atmosphere of London, there appeared a remarkable piece of machinery that intrigued everyone who encountered it: Henri Read More

Flat Earth Theory


Flat Earth Theory Origins No, the Earth is not flat, not at all. We already mentioned the Flat Earth Theory as one of the most widespread Fake News. The notion of a flat Earth has Read More

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